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Rotation Overview

PGY-Level Specific


Rotation Overview

General Information

3 West


Rotation Contact Information:

Rich Zanetti 

Feedback: There are feedback cards in the resident work room. Attendings, please utilize them for providing your feedback.  Residents, if you have not received feedback, please ask!

PGY Level-Specific






Weekdays: 0600 - 1700

Sunday: 0600 - 1700


Job description:

- Gather numbers and overnight events on assigned patients

- Daily patient exam

- Round on patient

- Place orders

- Call consultants

- Write patient notes

- Update discharge summaries

- Present a case daily at morning report

- SIM cases every Friday morning after morning report in the PICU


“Typical” Day:

0600: I-PASS sign out (can arrive early to start to gather numbers if needed)

0630-0735: Finish pre-rounding including seeing patients (gen peds exams can be delayed if patients are sleeping)

0745-0900: Morning report case presentation

0915: Huddle with nurses

0920-1200ish: Rounds with Peds Heme-Onc first, then General Peds

After Rounds: Place orders, call consultants, discharges

Remainder of Day: ED consults, admissions, discharges, lecture by attending or senior resident, procedures if available, work on D/C summaries if time

1630: Prepare for sign out and finalize I-PASS

1700: I-PASS sign out



0600: Arrive and I-PASS sign out; pre-rounding

0800: Rounds begin

  • Usually attendings (heme/onc or gen peds) will bring breakfast

After Rounds: Place orders, call consultants, write notes, discharges

Remainder of Day: Finish notes, ED consults, admissions, discharges, monitor patients, discharge summaries, update I-PASS, etc.

1700: I-PASS sign out (except for Saturday 24 hour shifts)


Words of Wisdom:

- Stay organized! Use whatever method works best for you (many people use rounding sheets)

- Start notes prior to rounding! You can do this either in a Word document and print it to have on rounds OR you can start a daily note (copy forward or start new if new patient) but always be sure if you do this to change the topic of the note to “in progress” and delete your signatures.

- Be sure to get sign out from the off going intern and give sign out to the oncoming intern at the beginning and end of the month!

- Be nice to nurses and get to know them



Huddle Teaching Point: the senior resident will provide a teaching point during morning huddle.  This is meant to be very brief, think 2-3 minutes.  If the census is very low and you want to do something more involved, go for it, but with the new PICU requirements, this should not be a burden on the team.  For example, “ there is a patient on medication X, which we do not use frequently on our ward. This medication can cause side effect Y, therefore we monitor for these signs and symptoms…”  You should not be doing a comprehensive review of everything about the medication or a disease.  You can keep it short!



I-PASS Family-Centered Rounds

Youtube Video





LENS Board: the ward is using a LENS board, this is a great tool for communicating (ex: teaching, safety issues,  giving kudos to team members).  Attached is a quick one page on how to post on the LENS board (hint: you can text to it! 202-915-7735). 

Hospitalist Peds

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