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Plan of the Week: Apr 30 - May 6th

Updated: May 1, 2023

Plays of the Week:

Play of the week goes to Dr. Greenwald, who was selected as the NCR Faculty Teacher of the Year for 2022. Here is just one of the many glowing remarks he received, "Dr. Greenwald may be an institution, but he is one for a reason. He took every opportunity possible to teach, let me learn with patients and procedures, gave honest feedback, and pushed me to learn more every day. One of the most impactful and inspirational medical educators I've worked with."

Play of the week goes to HA Flores for obtaining a quick replacement TCB machine in clinic when there was a malfunction and to HM3 James for subsequently fixing the clinic's TCB machine!





Time and Location


Monday, 5/1

MR: Case (given by alumn Spencer Millen) & Interstitial Lung Disease Lecture, Friedman

0745 - 0850 America 2525 B/C

All welcome


Resident Processing Support Group

1200 - 1300 Canyon Conference Room

Residents Only

Tuesday, 5/2 Amy Davis' Birthday 🎉 and NCR Research & Innovation Presentations Start


0745 - 0850 Army: Canyon Conf Rm Navy: Allergy Conf Rm 4105 Air Force: America 2525 B/C

All welcome


NCR Research and Innovation Case Report Presentations

0900 - 1240 NICOE

See below for the schedule

Wednesday, 5/3

Grand Rounds: Pediatric Obesity: Updates on Optimization of Our Clinical Approach, Jill E. Emerick, MD

0745 - 0850 Room A3, Bldg A, USUHS and Virtual

All welcome; in-person attendance in strongly encouraged from outpatient staff and residents


NCR Research and Innovation Performance, Quality Improvement Presentations

1300 - 1500 NICOE

See below for the schedule

Thursday, 5/4

MR: Case & My Winter Vacation In Romania Lecture, Friedman

0745 - 0850 America 2525 B/C

All welcome

Friday, 5/5 Cinco de Mayo

MR: Board Review, Bumgardner

0745 - 0850 America 2525 B/C

Medical Students and Residents Only

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, National Mental Health Month, National Oncology Nurses Month, and National Critical Care Nurses Month!

PAS Conference Agenda:

WR NCR Competition:

Save the Date 🗓

Upcoming Birthdays 🎉

8MAY: Block 12 Starts


8-10MAY: Intern CSA


6-12MAY: National Nurse's Week


12MAY: Davis Journal Club


14MAY: Mother's Day


16-18MAY: CC OpMed Field Trip


10JUN: Hail & Farewell

Do you have a birthday that you want added to the calendar? Email/text Britt



All Staff Updates

Intern Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) Volunteer

  • We are still looking for volunteers for the upcoming Intern CSA which is scheduled to take place May 8-10th.

  • For those of you who may be new or new to the Intern CSA, this event is a half-day of simulated patient encounters during which interns are directly observed by faculty and provided specific, educational feedback. We have done this for many years in conjunction with the Children’s National Medical Center (CNMC) residency program. Each faculty is assigned to observe 5-6 individual interns from Walter Reed or CNMC conduct a specific simulated clinical encounter with a standardized patient/family. You will receive guidance about your specific clinical scenario ahead of time. General pediatricians and subspecialists are all welcome.

  • Please email Dr. Cassie Carr ( if you are interested in participating, the sessions are:

    • Monday 8MAY2023 1200-1730

    • Tuesday 9MAY2023 1200-1730

    • Wednesday 10MAY2023 1200-1730

Did you attend the Partnership for Military Child Health Research Symposium?

Locked out of your CAC?

MHS Genesis Updates:

Important Announcements:

  • Looking for a pharmacy in Genesis? Check out this quick guide


Resident-Specific Updates

Don't forget to reach out to your Block 12 Rotation Supervisors regarding your schedule. View the attachment below for the most up-to-date contact information.

Intern Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) Information

  • This is an opportunity to get feedback on clinical skills in the setting of patient care simulation.The CSA is not something you have to pass to get to PGY2 year; it's just for feedback and personal improvement.

  • When: May 8-10th (you are assigned to only one of the afternoon sessions -- see below)

  • Where: Val G Hemming Simulation Center at Forest Glen

  • Who: both WR and CNMC interns!

  • Dress Code: Civilian business clothes; no military uniforms please!

  • If you are on an inpatient service, do not worry because we have you covered by a cross-covering resident. If you are on nights, you will go to your night shift following your CSA and will not break duty hours based on how you are scheduled.

  • Assignments

    • Monday, May 8th -- Hanciles, McNamara

    • Tuesday, May 9th -- Davis, Martin, Warren

    • Wednesday, May 10th -- Liggett, Sukenaga, Westbrook

PI/QI Project

  • 6JUNE: Final Presentations

    • Each group should finalize their A3 Slides in order to present a summary of Steps 1-8.

    • You will have 10 minutes for your presentation.

    • If you haven't done so already, please ensure that one of the members of your group can present on 6/6.

Transition to Practice (PGY-3s only)

  • This week's focus: TTP Session Notes & Board Reimbursement Section

    • Check out the updated details about Graduation Rehearsal and the Graduation Ceremony

    • There has been specific change to the Air Force section for board reimbursement


Educational/Teaching Opportunities

USU Teaching Opportunities

Clerkship Round Robin (recurring throughout the year)


Research Opportunities & Upcoming Conferences

SOCR Updates:

  • Next meeting will take place May 16th, please email Dr. Zanetti and Dr. Kolasinski if you would like to sign up for one of the time slots: 0700, 0715, 0730, 1200, 1215, 1230, and 1245.

  • Please note, this will be our last session of the academic year (and last opportunity for interns to start PGY2 with a second ARM half day). The next session will occur in July.

A brief overview of the program is below:

Upcoming Conferences:

6th annual Architecture of High Value Health Care: October 12-14th in Baltimore, MD

AAP NCE 2023: October 20-24th in Washington, DC






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