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Plan of the Week: December 31st- January 6th

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

Plays of the Week:

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fantastic and relaxing holiday break and a Merry Christmas. Very excited to get back at it for 2024!

Play of the week to Dr. Brendon Adams, an Anesthesia Intern on NICU service who intubated a 29wk infant. Additional shout out to Dr. Conrad Dear, another Anesthesia Intern, who spent a full day coordinating, prepping, and accompanying a patient to the OR for a procedure. Great work team!

Play of the week to Dr. Connor Liggett, Dr. Topher Stark, Dr. Sidney Zven, and Dr. Schulz for their publication Massive fetomaternal haemorrhage warranting novel use of tandem isovolumetric partial exchange transfusion and therapeutic hypothermia. It is available online in BMJ Case Reports. Excellent work!

Additional play of the week to all of the residents, faculty, and staff who have covered over the holidays. Your hard work and dedication is much appreciated.

Final play of the week to our Program Coordinator, Ms. Lauren Schroeder, whose final day was on December 29th. Thank you for the years of service and dedication.





Time and Location


Monday, 1/1


Tuesday, 1/2

MR: Case, Lecture: NICU Derm

0745-0850 America 2525

All Welcome

Wednesday, 1/3

No Case, Lecture: Gen Peds Roundtable - Dr. Carr

0745-0850 Shore Conference Rm- 1st Floor

All Welcome

Please submit any questions you have for the Gen Peds Roundtable here

Residents return from Holiday Leave

Thursday, 1/4

MR: Case, Lecture: Left to Right Shunts - Dr. May

0745-0850 America 2525

All Welcome

Friday, 12/22

MR: Case, Lecture: Devo - Dr. Patterson

0745-0850 America 2525

All Welcome

Save the Date 🗓

Upcoming Birthdays 🎉

01JAN: New Year's Day

16JAN: Maddie Mascitti

10JAN: PI/QI Mid Year Presentations in NiCOE Auditorium during MR

10JAN: DEI Grand Rounds - 1200 Clark Auditorium

12JAN: Nexplanon Training - Martin, Liggett, Hanciles, Warren, Westbrook

28JAN: NCR Research Competition Abstracts Due

09FEB: Nexplanon Training - Mascitti, Raymond, Fissel, Sukenaga, Davis

Continuity Clinic: Atopic Dermatitis



All Staff Updates

2024 Female Physician Leadership Course:

  • Call for Nominations due NLT 02FEB2024

  • This is a 3 day in-person course focusing on physician leadership development in the MHS, and will be held at Defense Health Headquarters in Falls Church, VA.

  • Target audience is MHS female physicians at the O-4 select, O-4, or junior O-5 levels.

  • Submit the nomiation form below including Commanding Officer's attestation, Nomination Letter, and Nominee's CV by uploading the complete packet as a single PDF to: 

Hard Copies of the new Scutdog are available in Chief Resident!

Faculty Development


Resident-Specific Updates

PI/QI Mid-Year Presentations

  • Wednesday, January 10th in NiCOE Auditorium

  • Please use DHA A3 Template (attached below)

  • Complete slides 1-10 (ie steps 1-6)

  • 10 minute presentation, followed by 5 minutes for feedback/questions

  • Please save your presentations in the MR folder NLT 1900 09JAN

DEA Numbers:

  • All Residents with a Full Medical License are eligible/expected to apply for a DEA number


  • Please go through the above website, and attach the "Statement of Understanding" signed by Mr. Fennewald (Please ask Jack for a copy)

  • Please submit DEA Confirmation receipt form to, Mr. Fennewald, and Jack once complete.

Accessing MedHub:

Please use the following link to access your MedHub Account:

Going through the MedHub website and finding "National Capital Consortium" will likely not work going forward

Block 8 Schedules

  • Don't forget to reach out to your Rotation Supervisors regarding your schedule if you have any questions/concerns. The below attachment has the most up-to-date contact information.

  • Additionally, check MedHub and review updated goals & objectives for your upcoming rotation!


Educational/Teaching Opportunities

USU Teaching Opportunities

Clerkship Round Robin (recurring throughout the year)

ICR Module Small Group Teaching Opportunities at USU

POET Round Robin Teaching at USU NEW and THIS WEEK!


Research Opportunities & Upcoming Conferences

Upcoming Conferences:

Region 4 Meeting: February 24-25th in Charlottesville, Virginia

PAS 2024: May 2nd-6th in Toronto, Ontario

AMOPS Annual Meeting: February 28th-March 2nd in Tulsa, Oklahoma

NCR Research and Innovation Month: Poster Week April 26th - May 3rd


Community Pediatrics Updates:

MDAAP Chapter Resident Advocacy Day

Thursday, February 8, 2024

7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Annapolis, MD

AAP Advocacy Internship: Applications Open DUE TODAY!

The American Academy of Pediatrics Advocacy Internship Program [] is restarting after being on hiatus since March 2020. They are accepting applications for one-month internships between March and June 2024. Applications are due December 31, 2023.

This internship offers medical students, pediatric residents and fellowship trainees the opportunity to work with the AAP federal and state advocacy teams. Interns will spend four weeks learning about child health policy, the legislative process, and public affairs. The internship is based in Washington, DC.

Senior Residents (PGY-2 and PGY-3) are eligible. Please speak with Dr. Ahmed if you have any questions or interest.

For more information and to apply, please visit the AAP Advocacy Internship Program website [].

Upcoming GMEC DEI Events:

Grand Rounds

Re-thinking Core Values: How Medical “Professionalism” Perpetuates Discrimination against Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Trainees

Presenters: J. Corey Williams MD MA, Ashley Walker MD

January 10, 2024, 1310-1430

Clark Auditorium

Attendees: All welcome!


GME Health Equity Rounds

Topic: Religious Accommodations

February 6, 2024, 1200-1300

Clark Auditorium

Attendees: All welcome!






Please reach out to Jack at or with any questions or concerns.

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