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Plan of the Week: July 3 - July 9

Play of the Week:

Play of the week goes to our new class of interns starting their first day of residency this past Friday!

Play of the week also goes Dr. Connor Liggett, who gracefully took the NICU head-on on day 1 and led a very difficult family discussion with composure, compassion, and empathy. Most impressive!

And another Play of the Week for Dr. Theresa Urbina’s beautifully worded FEATURED Perspective article came out today in Pediatrics! Fair warning: you’ll need a tissue!

Many thanks to COL May, Mr. Lomax, Mr. Jones, Ms. Adeboyeku, Ms. Putney, Ms. Campbell, and their teams for putting together our annual Intern Welcome Lunch this past week. Additionally, congratulations to our awardees:

- Joel C. Labow Award: Dr. Nelson Vick

- PCMH Screener of the Year: HM Jordan Cardwell

- Teaching Honor Roll: Cynthia Bryant, Maura Cooper, Grant Erickson, Elizabeth Ferrara, Diana Garcia, Jeff Greenwald, Will Hayman, Wendy Hoffner, Brian Hughes, Min Hwang, Catherine Kimball-Eayrs, Nate Kolasinski, Sebastian Lara, Noelle Larson, Brent Lechner, Joseph Lopreiato, Luis Lozada, Joseph May, Michael McCown, Janice McGirt, Steve Min, David Myles, Emily Parsons, Leela Patel, John Podraza, Renuka Rees, Sarah Reynolds, Autumn Richards, Phil Rogers, Sam Rowe, Harshita Saxena, JP Schacht, Elizabeth Schulz, Susan Whiteway.





Time and Location


Monday, 7/4 Independence Day 🇺🇸

No MR/Lecture

Tuesday, 7/5 Minimal Manning Day

No MR/Lecture

Wednesday, 7/6

MR: PI/QI Overview with Dr. Richards and Project Proposals

0745 - 0850

Desert Conference Room 2301

All welcome

Thursday, 7/7

MR: Case & NICU Outpatient Nutrition, Dr. Groomes

0745 - 0850

America 2525 B/C

All welcome

Candidate Recruitment Day

0900-1115 Shore Conference Room 1118

MSIV Medical Students Only

Residency Mixer

1800-2100 7 Locks Brewing Trivia Night

Residents and Medical Students (see below to RSVP)

Friday, 7/8

MR: Case & Onc Emergencies, Dr. Cole

0745 - 0810

America 2525 B/C

All welcome

Save the Date

Upcoming Birthdays

​14-15, 27JUL: ITE

31JUL: Alex Mauro

25JUL: Block 2

27JUL: Academic Half-Day

29JUL: COL Kimball-Eayrs Retirement Ceremony



NCCPeds Merchandise is here! Click the link below to order jackets, vests, drinkware, etc before 6JUL!

Meet our incoming rotating medical students!


All Staff Updates

COVID vaccinations for 6mo-4yr are here!

Please send your patients to the COVAX site in Arrowhead to receive their vaccine. At this time, we will only be administering Pfizer vaccine product, and it will consist of a 3-dose series: 0, 21d, and 8 weeks, per the current EUA instruction.

New Pharmacy Operations (effective Monday, June 6, 2022)

(1) The PEDIATRICS PHARMACY within the Peds PCMH is closed. (2) For NEW prescriptions: - Providers MUST enter new prescriptions to the America or Arrowhead Pharmacy. - Families may not have their children’s DoDID numbers memorized, so please write this down for families on the business card or on their checkout sheet before they leave. - Advise families to complete the following steps to have prescriptions filled: - Text 833-201-9306 with “get in line,” and respond to the next prompts for DoDID#, etc. It may take some time to receive a confirmation message from the pharmacy, which will begin with a “Q” ticket number. The check-in process is NOT complete until the “Q” ticket number is received. - Wait in the peds lobby for their prescriptions. The family will receive a text from pharmacy when the prescriptions are ready. - Proceed to the pharmacy lobby, then text “I am here.” The family should NOT text “I am here” until they are physically in the pharmacy lobby. - Note that this process applies to NEW prescriptions only. (3) For REFILLS: same-day refills will no longer be filled. - Refills must be picked up at the NEX pharmacy or Drive-Thru pharmacy, and must be activated 48 hours in advance of the requested pick-up time. To activate a refill, patients can utilize one of the options below: - Online Prescription Activation Form - Tricare Online - Automated Call-In Refill Line (800-377-1723) - Call center (301-295-2123) - In-Person Paper Drop-Off Requests (dropped off to the Drive Thru pharmacy or the NEX pharmacy) **Note that the Drive-Thru pharmacy (parking lot of 85T) is open Mon-Sat from 0900 – 1600, and the NEX pharmacy (1st floor of NEX) is open Mon-Sat from 0900 – 1730.** (4) FOR STAFF: - Use your CAC for new prescriptions or refills, which will be filled within 2 hours, using a CAC-enabled computer and the following link: - Prescriptions will be ready within 2 hours at America or Arrowhead and you will receive a text when they are ready. When you arrive to the pharmacy, pick up a ticket at the kiosk that says "MTF Staff" to bypass the line and be issued your prescriptions. - Utilize the below in clinic to walk families through the new pharmacy process and to jot down the patient's DoDID number.


Resident-Specific Updates

  • Calling for committee interest! If you are interested in joining a committee or having a leadership position please submit your name (short statement of interest also required for PEC or HSC only) to by July 9th at 1900. See below for more details regarding available committees and responsibilities.

    • Class voting for PEC and HSC will take place from July 10th - July 14th


Educational Opportunities

  • Interested in obtaining free CME credits and learning more about Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)?

  • Mark your calendars for July 17th, during which a free virtual CME session will be hosted by Stony Brook Medicine and Dysautonomia International.

  • If you know any physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists or graduate students in any of these disciplines who may be interested in attending the July 17th CME course on POTS, please ask them to complete this complimentary registration form: They must use a current university, hospital, or clinic/work email address to register for this complimentary pass.


Research Opportunities & Upcoming Conferences

  • The NCC Peds Scholarly Oversight Committee for Residents (SOCR) will have its next meeting on 27 July. Please email Dr. Zanetti and/or Dr. Kolasinski if you would like to sign up for one of the time slots!

  • Calling all NRP-trained providers! You are invited to participate in an educational research study evaluating a new infant resuscitation skill-sustainment bundle. This short training focuses on the most critical components of neonatal resuscitation; it is designed to be non-threatening and delivered virtually. The study’s eventual aim is to help NRP providers maintain skills in remote and low-volume settings. If you would like to learn more or are interested in participating, please contact Chase Groomes at or Participation is voluntary and is expected to require 1-1.5 hours during a time convenient to you.


APPD Mid-Atlantic Regional Fall Meeting (Virtual): September 23rd, 2022

  • Scholarship Opportunity: residents can win a $1000 grant for projects on DEI, community health, advocacy, education, etc. See below for more details, grant proposals are due by Friday, July 29th.

  • Spotlights on Innovations: do you have an innovative idea within DEI, community health, or virtual recruitment and want to present at the conference? Contact Britt Bumgardner if interested. Submissions are due by Friday, August 26th.

Conference on Military Perinatal Research (COMPRA): November 4-6, 2022






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